
cotk._utils often is used by internal lib. The users should not find api here.

cotk._utils.trim_before_target(lists, target)[source]

Trim the list before the target. If there is no target, return the origin list.

  • lists (list)

  • target

cotk._utils.chain_sessions(sessions) → Tuple[List[Any], List[int]][source]
cotk._utils.restore_sessions(chained_sessions, session_lengths) → List[List[Any]][source]
cotk._utils.replace_unk(sentences, unk_token, target_token=-1)[source]

Auxiliary function for replacing the unknown words to another words

  • input (list[List[Any]]) – the sentences

  • unk_tokens (Any) – id for unknown words.

  • target – the target word index used to replace the unknown words.


** list* – processed result.


cotk._utils.imports provides classes that fake a uninstalled module.

class cotk._utils.imports.DummyObject(err)[source]

Dummy Object for uninstalled modules. [deprecated]


>>> try:
...   import torch
... except ImportError as err:
...   torch = DummyObject(err)
>>> torch.Tensor
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
>>> torch.Tensor = DummyObject(torch.err)
>>> torch.Tensor
>>> torch.Tensor()
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'
class cotk._utils.imports.LazyModule(module_name, global_dict)[source]

Lazy loading modules.

  • module_name (str) – The path of import. For example: cotk.

  • global_dict (str) – Override the global dictionary when the module is loaded.


>>> torch = LazyModule("torch", globals())
>>> print(torch)
<cotk._utils.imports.LazyModule object at 0x000001BE147682E8>
>>> torch.Tensor = LazyObject("torch.Tensor")
>>> print(torch.Tensor)
<cotk._utils.imports.LazyObject object at 0x000001BE1339CE80>
>>> print(torch.LongTensor)
<class 'torch.LongTensor'>
>>> print(torch.Tensor)
<class 'torch.Tensor'>
>>> print(torch)
<module 'torch'>
class cotk._utils.imports.LazyObject(object_name)[source]

Lazy loading objects.


object_name (str) – The path of import. For example: cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO.


>>> dataloader = LazyObject("cotk.dataloader")
>>> print(dataloader)
<cotk._utils.imports.LazyObject object at 0x000001BE1339CE48>
>>> print(dataloader.MSCOCO)
<class 'cotk.dataloader.language_generation.MSCOCO'>


A lib for decorator and metaclass

class cotk._utils.metaclass.DocStringInheritor[source]

A meta class. It make the class:

  • Docstring can inherit the parent classes.

  • {STRING_DOCS} in docs will be replaced by self.STRING_DOCS or BaseClass.STRING_DOCS. (choose the first available one)

  • {BaseClassName.STRING_DOCS} in docs will be replaced by BaseClassName.STRING_DOCS. (BaseClassName can be itself)

  • If the docstring iherited from the parent class Base, {_STRING_DOCS} try to use the value of self._STRING_DOCS first (if not existed, then trying BASE._STRING_DOCS), but {STRING_DOCS} (without underscore prefix) will use the value of Base.STRING_DOCS

  • The replacement can be nested. But only {BaseClassName.STRING_DOCS} or {_STRING_DOCS} are allowed in the nested replacement, for avoiding ambiguous use.

A variation on http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/26f7b4fcb4d66c95 by Paul McGuire from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8100166/inheriting-methods-docstrings-in-python

class cotk._utils.metaclass.LoadClassInterface[source]

The support of dynamic class load.

classmethod get_all_subclasses() → Iterable[Any][source]

Return a generator of all subclasses.

classmethod load_class(class_name) → Any[source]

Return a subclass of class_name, case insensitively.


class_name (str) – target class name.


A module for hash unordered elements

class cotk._utils.unordered_hash.UnorderedSha256[source]

Using SHA256 on unordered elements


update digest by data. type(data)=bytes


update digest by hash. type(hashvalue)=bytes

digest() → bytes[source]

return unordered hashvalue

hexdigest() → str[source]

return unordered hashvalue

cotk._utils.unordered_hash.dumps(obj) → bytes[source]

Generate bytes to identify the object by repr

cotk._utils.unordered_hash.dumps_json(obj) → bytes[source]

Generate bytes to identify the object by json serialization