Quick Start¶
Let’s skim through the whole package to find what you want.
Load common used dataset and do preprocessing:
Download online resources or import from local path
Split training set, development set and test set
Construct vocabulary list
>>> import cotk.dataloader
>>> # automatically download online resources
>>> dataloader = cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO("resources://MSCOCO_small")
>>> # or download from a url
>>> dl_url = cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO("http://cotk-data.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/mscoco_small.zip#MSCOCO")
>>> # or import from local file
>>> dl_zip = cotk.dataloader.MSCOCO("./MSCOCO.zip#MSCOCO")
>>> print("Dataset is split into:", dataloader.fields.keys())
dict_keys(['train', 'dev', 'test'])
Inspect vocabulary list
>>> print("Vocabulary size:", dataloader.frequent_vocab_size)
Vocabulary size: 2597
>>> print("First 10 tokens in vocabulary:", dataloader.frequent_vocab_list[:10])
First 10 tokens in vocabulary: ['<pad>', '<unk>', '<go>', '<eos>', '.', 'a', 'A', 'on', 'of', 'in']
Convert between ids and strings
>>> print("Convert string to ids", \
... dataloader.convert_tokens_to_ids(["<go>", "hello", "world", "<eos>"]))
Convert string to ids [2, 6107, 1875, 3]
>>> print("Convert ids to string", \
... dataloader.convert_ids_to_tokens([2, 1379, 1897, 3]))
Convert ids to string ['hello', 'world']
Iterate over batches
>>> for data in dataloader.get_batches("train", batch_size=1):
... print(data)
array([[ 2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 1, 1099, 4, 3]]),
# <go> This is an old photo of people and a <unk> wagon.
array([[ 2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3]]),
# <go> This is an old photo of people and a horse-drawn wagon.
'sent_length': array([14])}
Or using while
(another iteration method) if you like
>>> dataloader.restart("train", batch_size=1):
>>> while True:
... data = dataloader.get_next_batch("train")
... if data is None: break
... print(data)
If you want to know more about Dataloader
, please refer to docs of dataloader
We found there are different versions of the same metric in different papers,
which leads to unfair comparison between models. For example, whether considering
, calculating the mean of NLL across sentences or tokens in
may introduce huge differences.
We provide a unified implementation for metrics, where hashvalue
is provided for
checking whether the same data is used. The metric object receives mini-batches.
>>> import cotk.metric
>>> metric = cotk.metric.SelfBleuCorpusMetric(dataloader, gen_key="gen")
>>> metric.forward({
... "gen":
... [[2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3],
... [2, 46, 145, 500, 1764, 207, 11, 5, 93, 7, 31, 4, 3]]
... })
>>> print(metric.close())
{'self-bleu': 0.02253475750490193, 'self-bleu hashvalue': 'f7d75c0d0dbf53ffba4b845d1f61487fd2d6d3c0594b075c43111816c84c65fc'}
You can merge multiple metrics together by cotk.metric.MetricChain
>>> metric = cotk.metric.MetricChain()
>>> metric.add_metric(cotk.metric.SelfBleuCorpusMetric(dataloader, gen_key="gen"))
>>> metric.add_metric(cotk.metric.FwBwBleuCorpusMetric(dataloader, reference_test_list=dataloader.get_all_batch('test')['sent_allvocabs'], gen_key="gen"))
>>> metric.forward({
... "gen":
... [[2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3],
... [2, 46, 145, 500, 1764, 207, 11, 5, 93, 7, 31, 4, 3]]
... })
>>> print(metric.close())
100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:00<00:00, 5281.95it/s]
{'self-bleu': 0.02253475750490193, 'self-bleu hashvalue': 'f7d75c0d0dbf53ffba4b845d1f61487fd2d6d3c0594b075c43111816c84c65fc', 'fw-bleu': 0.28135593382545376, 'bw-bleu': 0.027021522872801896, 'fw-bw-bleu': 0.04930753293488745, 'fw-bw-bleu hashvalue': '60a39f381e065e8df6fb5eb272984128c9aea7dee4ba50a43bfb768395a70762'}
We also provide recommended metrics for selected dataloader.
>>> metric = dataloader.get_inference_metric(gen_key="gen")
>>> metric.forward({
... "gen":
... [[2, 181, 13, 26, 145, 177, 8, 22, 12, 5, 3755, 1099, 4, 3],
... [2, 46, 145, 500, 1764, 207, 11, 5, 93, 7, 31, 4, 3]]
... })
>>> print(metric.close())
100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:00<00:00, 4857.36it/s]
100%|██████████| 1250/1250 [00:00<00:00, 4689.29it/s]
{'self-bleu': 0.02253475750490193, 'self-bleu hashvalue': 'f7d75c0d0dbf53ffba4b845d1f61487fd2d6d3c0594b075c43111816c84c65fc', 'fw-bleu': 0.3353037449663603, 'bw-bleu': 0.027327995838287513, 'fw-bw-bleu': 0.050537105917262654, 'fw-bw-bleu hashvalue': 'c254aa4008ae11b1bc4955e7cd1f7f3aad34b664178a585a218b1474970e3f23', 'gen': [['inside', 'is', 'an', 'elephant', 'shirt', 'of', 'people', 'and', 'a', 'grasslands', 'pulls', '.'], ['An', 'elephant', 'girls', 'baggage', 'sidewalk', 'with', 'a', 'clock', 'on', 'it', '.']]}
If you want to know more about metrics, please refer to docs of metrics