Extending Cotk: More Data, More Metrics!

We provide easy APIs for extend cotk to custom datasets and tasks.

Add A New Dataset

For Local Use

Now you have a new dataset and want to load it with cotk and the task is similar with the existed tasks, like dataloader.LanguageGeneration, dataloader.SingleTurnDialog or dataloader.MultiTurnDialog. The simplest way is to just adapt the format of your dataset.

For example, if you want to adapt your data to dataloader.LanguageGeneration, you just have to generate 3 text files named train.txt, dev.txt, test.txt. Each file contains several lines and each line is a sentence. The structure of your directory should be like:

├── train.txt
├── dev.txt
└── test.txt

Then you can load your data using dataloader.LanguageGeneration with a local path.

dataloader = LanguageGeneration("./path/to/mydata", min_frequent_vocab_times=min_frequent_vocab_times,
            max_sent_length=max_sent_length, min_rare_vocab_times=min_rare_vocab_times,
            tokenizer=tokenizer, convert_to_lower_letter=convert_to_lower_letter)


If you want to write your own dataloader with a complex data format, see Add A New Task.

Download Dataset

If you want to publish your dataset and make it possible to download them automatically. You can zip your data and upload to an server. The url path should be accessible for every one.

Using dataloader.LanguageGeneration with a url path is adequate for the requirements.

dataloader = MSCOCO("http://url/to/new_data.zip")


The zip file is downloaded then processed by file_utils.resource_processor.DefaultResourceProcessor. For more about ResourceProcessor, refer to this.

Add A Resource

This time, you have to change some codes in cotk. First you have to understand the usage of resources at here. Then see the json file under /cotk/resource_config/, you will find each predefined resource corresponds to a json file, like

    "name": "MSCOCO_small",
    "type": "MSCOCO",
    "hashtag": "68f6b8d764bff6f5440a63f87aeea97049a1d2e89942a7e524b7dabd475ffd79",
    "link": {
        "amazon": "https://cotk-data.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/mscoco_small.zip"

There are some places you have to pay attention to:

  • type is the prefix of its ResourceProcessor.

  • link.default is necessary when no source is specified.

  • hashtag is required for checksum.

We use the following codes to hash the zip file.

def _get_file_sha256(file_path):
    '''Get sha256 of given file'''
    hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
    with open(file_path, "rb") as fin:
        for chunk in iter(lambda: fin.read(4096), b""):
    return hash_sha256.hexdigest()

After accomplishment the config file, you can use the following code to load the data.

dataloader = MSCOCO("resources://new_name")

We highly recommend that the developers make a Pull Request and add more datasets for cotk.

Add A New Task

Sometimes you want to deal with a totally different task from the predefined ones. In that case, you have to implement a subclass of LanguageProcessing, and pass the parameters file_id and fields when invoking LanguageProcessing.__init__(). For more details about file_id, refer this. For more details about fields, refer this.


In the method __init__ of your own dataloader class, LanguageProcessing.set_default_field() must be called. If self.default_field_set_name and self.default_field_name are not set, some methods and properties (such as LanguageProcessing.tokenize(), LanguageProcessing.all_vocab_size, etc.) aren’t available.

For example, you can implement a new dataloader for sentence classification.

from collections import OrderedDict
from cotk.dataloader import LanguageProcessing
from cotk.dataloader.context import FieldContext, VocabContext
class SentenceClassification(LanguageProcessing):
    def __init__(self, file_id: str,
        fields = OrderedDict([('sent', 'SentenceDefault'), ('label', 'DenseLabel')])
        with FieldContext.set_parameters(tokenizer=tokenizer,
            with VocabContext.set_parameters(min_rare_vocab_times=min_rare_vocab_times,
                super().__init__(file_id, fields)
        self.set_default_field('train', 'sent')

Assume that there is a directory named mydata, which contains 3 text files (train.txt, dev.txt and test.txt) in the same format. For example, the content of test.txt is as follows. Each sentence is followed by an integer (the label), just as fields specifies.

effective but too-tepid biopic.
if you sometimes like to go to the movies to have fun, wasabi is a good place to start.
emerges as something rare, an issue movie that's so honest and keenly observed that it doesn't feel like one.
the film provides some great insight into the neurotic mindset of all comics -- even those who have reached the absolute top of the game.
offers that rare combination of entertainment and education.

Then, you can use SentenceClassification to build the dataloader.

dl = SentenceClassification("mydata", tokenizer="nltk", convert_to_lower_letter=True)
dl.restart('test', batch_size=2, shuffle=False)

The returned value of dl.get_next_batch is as follows.

{'sent_length': array([ 9, 23]),
'sent': array([[  2,   1,  31,   1,  11,   1,   1,   5,   3,   0,   0,   0,   0,
    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
    [  2,   1, 112,   1,   1,  13,   1,  13,   4,   1,  13,  62,   1,
    9,   1,  12,   8,   1,   1,  13,   1,   5,   3]]),
'sent_allvocabs': array([[  2, 138,  31, 191,  11, 189, 129,   5,   3,   0,   0,   0,   0,
    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0],
    [  2, 114, 112, 185, 118,  13, 149,  13,   4, 165,  13,  62, 146,
    9, 198,  12,   8, 151, 174,  13, 186,   5,   3]]),
'sent_str': ['effective but too-tepid biopic.',
        'if you sometimes like to go to the movies to have fun, wasabi is a good place to start.'],
'label': array([2, 3])

Add A New Metric

If you have a new way to evaluate the model, you should construct a metric class inheriting the metric.MetricBase.

Here are some necessary functions you must implement. You can click on the link to find more details.

Here we give an example for calculating the average length of generated sentences.

class AverageLengthMetric(MetricBase):
    def __init__(self, dataloader, gen_key="gen"):
        self.dataloader = dataloader
        self.gen_key = gen_key
        self.token_num = 0
        self.sent_num = 0

    def forward(self, data):
        gen = data[gen_key]
        for sent in gen:
            self.token_num += len(self.dataloader.trim_in_ids(sent))
            self.sent_num += 1

    def close(self):
        metric_result = super().close()
        metric_result.update({"len_avg": self.token_num / self.sent_num})
        return metric_result

There is some regulations to design an metric.