Source code for cotk._utils.utils

``cotk._utils`` is a function lib for internal use.

import os
from typing import List, Any, Tuple
from itertools import chain

[docs]def trim_before_target(lists, target): '''Trim the list before the target. If there is no target, return the origin list. Arguments: lists (list) target ''' try: lists = lists[:lists.index(target)] except ValueError: pass return lists
[docs]def chain_sessions(sessions: List[List[Any]]) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[int]]: chained_sessions = list(chain(*sessions)) session_lengths = [len(session) for session in sessions] return chained_sessions, session_lengths
[docs]def restore_sessions(chained_sessions: List[Any], session_lengths: List[int]) -> List[List[Any]]: sessions: List[List[Any]] = [] last = 0 for session_length in session_lengths: sessions.append(chained_sessions[last: last + session_length]) last += session_length return sessions
[docs]def replace_unk(sentences: List[Any], unk_token, target_token: Any = -1): r'''Auxiliary function for replacing the unknown words to another words Arguments: input (list[List[Any]]): the sentences unk_tokens (Any): id for unknown words. target: the target word index used to replace the unknown words. Returns: * list: processed result. ''' return [[target_token if token == unk_token else token for token in sentence] for sentence in sentences]
def is_build_private_docs(): return os.environ.get('COTK_DOCS_TYPE', None) == 'private'