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In *AAAI* (Vol. 16, pp. 3776-3784). ### Require Packages * cotk * TensorFlow == 1.13.1 * TensorBoardX >= 1.4 ### Quick Start * Downloading dataset and save it to ``./data``. (Dataset will be released soon.) * Execute ``python run.py`` to train the model. * The default dataset is ``UbuntuCorpus``. You can use ``--dataset`` to specify other ``dataloader`` class. * It don't use pretrained word vector by default setting. You can use ``--wvclass`` to specify ``wordvector`` class. For example: ``--wvclass gloves`` * If you don't have GPUs, you can add `--cpu` for switching to CPU, but it may cost very long time. * You can view training process by tensorboard, the log is at `./tensorboard`. * For example, ``tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard``. (You have to install tensorboard first.) * After training, execute ``python run.py --mode test --restore best`` for test. * You can use ``--restore filename`` to specify checkpoints files, which are in ``./model``. * ``--restore last`` means last checkpoint, ``--restore best`` means best checkpoints on dev. * Find results at ``./output``. ### Arguments ```none usage: run.py [-h] [--name NAME] [--restore RESTORE] [--mode MODE] [--dataset DATASET] [--datapath DATAPATH] [--epoch EPOCH] [--wvclass WVCLASS] [--wvpath WVPATH] [--out_dir OUT_DIR] [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR] [--cache_dir CACHE_DIR] [--cpu] [--debug] [--cache] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit useful arguments: --name NAME The name of your model, used for variable scope and tensorboard, etc. Default: runXXXXXX_XXXXXX (initialized by current time) --restore RESTORE Checkpoints name to load. "last" for last checkpoints, "best" for best checkpoints on dev. Attention: "last" and "best" wiil cause unexpected behaviour when run 2 models in the same dir at the same time. Default: None (dont load anything) --mode MODE "train" or "test". Default: train --dataset DATASET Dataloader class. Default: OpenSubtitles --datapath DATAPATH Directory for data set. Default: ./data --epoch EPOCH Epoch for trainning. Default: 100 --wvclass WVCLASS Wordvector class, none for not using pretrained wordvec. Default: None --wvpath WVPATH Directory for pretrained wordvector. Default: ./wordvec advanced arguments: --out_dir OUT_DIR Output directory for test output. Default: ./output --log_dir LOG_DIR Log directory for tensorboard. Default: ./tensorboard --model_dir MODEL_DIR Checkpoints directory for model. Default: ./model --cache_dir CACHE_DIR Checkpoints directory for cache. Default: ./cache --cpu Use cpu. --debug Enter debug mode (using ptvsd). --cache Use cache for speeding up load data and wordvec. (It may cause problems when you switch dataset.) ``` ### TensorBoard Example Execute ``tensorboard --logdir=./tensorboard``, you will see the plot in tensorboard pages: ![hred_plot_example](./images/hred-plot-example.png) Following plot are shown in this model: * train/loss * train/perplexity * dev/loss * dev/perplexity * test/loss * test/perplexity And text output: ![hred_text_example](./images/hred-text-example.png) Following text are shown in this model: * args ### Case Study of Model Results Execute ``python run.py --mode test --restore best`` The following output will be in `./output/[name]_[dev|test].txt`: ```none perplexity: 74.407300 bleu: 0.089069 post: anyone knows why my stock oneiric exports env var I mean what is that used for? I know of $USER but not . My precise install doesn't export USERNAME resp: looks like it used to be exported by but the line had the comment Is this so I guess it isn't surprising it is gone gen: you post: looks like it used to be exported by but the line had the comment Is this so I guess it isn't surprising it is gone resp: thanks! How the heck did you figure that out? gen: I have no idea what that is post: thanks! How the heck did you figure that out? resp: gen: I post: resp: nice thanks! gen: I post: i set up my hd such that i have to type a passphrase to access it at boot. how can i remove that and just boot up normal. i did this at install, it works fine, just tired of having reboots where i need to be at terminal resp: backup your data, and re-install without encryption "might" be the easiest method gen: you can install the ubuntu package post: backup your data, and re-install without encryption "might" be the easiest method resp: so you dont know, ok, anyone else? you are like, yah my mouse doesnt work, reinstall your os lolol what a joke gen: I have no idea what you mean by the ``` ### Performance | | Perplexity | BLEU | | ------------ | ---------- | ----- | | UbuntuCorpus | 74.20 | 0.112 | ### Author [Zhou Hao](https://github.com/tuxchow)